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TAGT giftED24
TAGT giftED24
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Mekasha Reddick
, December 3
4:00pm CST
Registration Open
Salon Ballroom Foyer (3rd Floor)
5:00pm CST
Newbee Orientation
Salon C/D (3rd Floor)
, December 4
8:00am CST
Kiss Kahoot Goodbye: Building Better Review Games
Pearl 2 (2nd Floor)
Michael Matera
Delving Deeper With the Content Imperatives
Salon C/D (3rd Floor)
Parker Tredick • Kim Tredick
9:30am CST
giftED Kickoff More Than a Match: Creating Lasting Educational Connections
Salon Ballroom G-M (3rd Floor)
Michael Flusche • Brian Housand • Andi McNair
11:00am CST
NASA Opportunities for K-12 Students
Salon A/B (3rd Floor)
Steven Smith
Student Centered for Student Success
Salon Ballroom G-M (3rd Floor)
Michael Matera
Discovering Depth & Complexity to Differentiate and Empower Critical Thinking
Salon C/D (3rd Floor)
Kim Tredick
11:45am CST
🍴 Lunch on Your Own
Visit the Riverwalk or a local restaurant or use a food delivery service, the choice is yours!
1:30pm CST
MasterMind Session: When An At-Risk Summer Becomes A Worthwhile Life
Salon Ballroom G-M (3rd Floor)
e.E. Charlton-Trujillo
3:15pm CST
Bejeweled: Curriculum Gems for Doing More, with Less
Salon Ballroom G-M (3rd Floor)
Kelli Mitchell • Lindsey Hart • Caitlin Andrews
Problem-Based Learning 101: Adapting PBL to Engage and Challenge Gifted Learners
Conference Room 3/4 (3rd Floor)
Dr. Shelagh Gallagher
The Struggle Is Real: Valuing Productive Struggle
Pearl 3 (2nd Floor)
Alyssa Hanna
, December 5
8:00am CST
Growing Beyond the "Yet" of Motivation Science and Mindset: Practical Techniques
Pearl 2 (2nd Floor)
Nicole Mattingly
9:15am CST
MasterMind Session: How an Adventurous Spirit Can Unlock Greatness
Salon Ballroom G-M (3rd Floor)
Michael Matera
11:00am CST
From STEM to STEAM: Unleashing Creativity and the Arts into Your Gifted Education Lessons (Elementary)
Salon E (3rd Floor)
Stephanie Higgs
11:45am CST
🍴Lunch on Your Own
Visit the Riverwalk or a local restaurant or use a food delivery service, the choice is yours!
1:30pm CST
Garbage In / Garbage Out: The Art & Craft of Engineering Better Prompts and Questions
Salon E (3rd Floor)
Brian Housand
Inspiring Self-Determination Through Invention Education
Southtown 3 (2nd Floor)
Jessica Fiew
Climbing Bloom’s Taxonomy with Depth & Complexity
Salon C/D (3rd Floor)
Parker Tredick
Differentiation Made Easy: Any Grade Level, Any Subject!
Salon Ballroom G-M (3rd Floor)
Stephanie Higgs
Puzzlerama: The Joy of Rigorous Puzzles and Games
Pearl 3 (2nd Floor)
Sheila Mulbry • Chris Ryan • Leslie Kerner
3:15pm CST
Get Moving with NASA Design Challenges
Salon E (3rd Floor)
Steven Smith
Increasing Rigor and Engagement in the Classroom: Tips and Tricks to Try Tomorrow!
Salon A/B (3rd Floor)
Michelle Swain
4:30pm CST
Speed Geeking
Salon Ballroom G-M (3rd Floor)
Andi McNair • Brian Housand
, December 6
8:00am CST
Prompt Engineering for G/T Educators AND Students to Create Engaging and Complex Artifacts
Salon E (3rd Floor)
Bruce Ellis
SEEDs of Wonder: The Secret Ingredient for a Thinking Classroom
Salon C/D (3rd Floor)
Brian Housand • Chris Ryan • Leslie Kerner
9:30am CST
Project-Based Instruction: Building a Collaborative and Creative Community of Learners
Southtown 3 (2nd Floor)
Jan Martinez
Thinking Outside the Game Box: Family Adventures in Creativity and Critical Thought
Pearl 1 (2nd Floor)
Kathryn Galinat
Unraveling Riddles and Cultivating Curiosity: The Magic of Scavenger Hunts
Salon C/D (3rd Floor)
Yvonne Garcia • Sheila Mulbry
10:45am CST
MasterMind Session: Real Self-Care: It’s Not About Bubble Baths or Juice Cleanses
Salon Ballroom G-M (3rd Floor)
Pooja Lakshmin, MD
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